If you're short let me tell you it's not all doom and gloom. In fact when you know how to attract women if you're short, you can be just like all the other lady killers out there like Tom Cruise and Al Pacino.
You see these guys had success with women before they even made it because they had the right attitude about their height.
They didn't let it get to them and have attracted beautiful women throughout their life time and now I'm going to reveal the secret of their success in attracting women to you.
How To Attract Women If You're Short: Your Appearance
Below are some simple tips to make you appear taller and more attractive to women:
How To Attract Women If You're Short: Your Mindset
You can do all the things above to adjust your appearance but if you're looking for that one game changer on how to attract women if you're short then it's your mindset.
You must be comfortable with you height and be confident. Appearance will count for nothing unless you're confident as it's a known fact that women will take a confident man over anything else.
If your confidence is tied to your height then it's absolutely vital you change your beliefs and raise your levels of self esteem.
Having this insecurity about your height is a huge turn off for women. Women are so insecure in themselves they are always looking for a confident man to be a leader and show them the way.
Adopt a care free attitude about your height. The bottom line is the minute you stop worrying about your height then attractive women won't care about your height either. Never let them know you feel uncomfortable about it otherwise they will also feel uncomfortable being with you.
The other thing you can do is to stop seeking approval and validation from beautiful women. In fact when you show a woman you don't need her approval that's when she will become attracted to you.
It works even better with women who know they are good looking because they become curious about why you don't care. They'll want to figure you out.
There isn't much more to attracting a woman if you're short other than changing you mindset and not being insecure about it really. Either that or start looking for shorter women than you, but is that what you really want to do or do you want attract those stunningly beautiful women you've always desired?
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